Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Written by: BaileyStar101
You can read the original here:
All credit goes to the original author


Waves crash against the side of the ship. Her ship. The wind, no, sea breeze blows through her long blonde hair and ruffles her blue dress.

The dress she wore to leave. As blue as the sea she is sailing away on, as blue as her sparkling eyes. Her eyes, both sad and happy are fixed on the rolling waves. Her ears, listening to the mournful cry of the gulls, wheeling above.

Sorrow fills our hearts and a small tear falls down my cheek. Ada says that I am a big boy now, and big boys don’t cry. But I saw his tears before we left. This is different. My ada couldn’t come to see nana off. He is afraid. My brave, strong ada, afraid. Afraid of the sea. Afraid it will call to him, that the gulls cry will pierce his heart as it did nana’s.

All I can understand is that my nana is sailing away to Valinor, the Undying Lands. Another world. Without me, her only son. The Queen is leaving Greenwood the Great. Leaving her King and Prince. Husband and son. All of my memories of her that have filled my short life with joy, flash through my head.

It only makes it worse, to remember her touch, the way that she could make my day, the way she tucked me in every night and chase all my fears away. To remember how on bright mornings the breeze would lift her golden hair in a gentle caress, how the sun would light her face and her eyes would sparkling and shine with light and happiness.

It wouldn’t help to stop the tears, to remember how her sweet, gentle, loving voice would carry through the air and sing me to sleep, take away my pain and fear and make me understand. How she would tickle me until I was breathless, how she would sneak cookies from the kitchen for me, and how she helped me hide stray animals in my bedroom.

I can’t imagine the thought of a life without you by my side, showing me the way. As you stand here, saying your goodbyes, you breath in the salty, sea air and anticipate your trip. I can feel your soul lift. What can the ocean give you, that your only son cannot? I know the sea calls you, but I need you, ada needs you. Do you not love us anymore?

I need you here with me, to tuck me in and read me bedtime stories, and then give me a loving kiss that only a mother can give. You finally turn to me, and reality comes crashing back. The images in my mind disappear and I can see is you. “Legolas”, you say in your perfect voice, a pleading edge to you tone. Pleading for what? Forgiveness? I could never be mad at you.

There is so much I want to say, to make you understand how much I love you and don’t want you to go. You kneel down and hug me tight, as if you never want to let go. I hug back, wishing you would hold me for all eternity. You let go all to soon, and look me straight in the eyes.

Your brilliant, blue eyes hold onto my blue ones. Suddenly, I understand, words are not needed. But I will still miss you more than you could ever know. You board your ship, only looking back once. Your face is pained, but also carefree, happy. You leave us behind, lave me behind. I watch you sail away and not even the fact that one day we will all follow you, eases my tears of pain.

Her ship slowly fades into the distant mist and I feel more alone than ever. Before I turn away, I finally think of what to say. “Namariea for now Naneth nin”, I whisper softly after her. Somehow, I think she heard me. Her son.

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