Tuesday, February 17, 2009

ant hill

Written by: 2crazyfangirls
You can read the original here:
All Credit goes to the original author


One warm sunny day, Merry and Pippin sat under a large tree, everyone in hobbiton

was out enjoying the sunshine.

“Merry?” asked Pippin,

“Yes Pippin” said Merry,

Pippin sighed, “I’m bored,” he complained

“well find something to do” answered merry

“there isn’t anything to do” mumbled Pippin,

after that they both fell silent, Pippin watched as a line of ants walked past his feet,

‘I wonder what it’s like to be an ant’.

Pippin got up and followed the trail of ants leaving Merry to sit under the tree, Pippin

kept on following them until he came to the ant hill, he knelt down beside it and

watched the ants come in and out of their home, some carried food while others just

came in and out, he watched as one tried to drag a big piece of food up the ant hill,

two ants came along and together the three ants were able to drag the food into the ant

hill, Pippin smiled, it reminded him of how his friends would come to his aid if he

needed it.

Pippin stood back up, brushed off his knees and walked back over to where Merry

still sat under the tree, Pippin sat back down with a contented sigh

“where did you disappear off to?” asked Merry

Pippin smiled “I was just thinking how I’m lucky to have you Frodo and Sam as my

Friends” he said

Merry raised his eyebrows, but then smiled “thanks” he said, I’m glad you’re my

friend too,”

Pippin lent up against the tree and closed his eyes “the best thing about a friend is

that they look after each other”

For the rest of the day Merry and Pippin sat talking about the many funny adventures

they had been through, and how the next day they planned to visit Sam and maybe

even ask him to teach them how to tend to a garden properly, they would then teach

him how to play a good trick on farmer Maggot, after all good friends taught each

other new things all the time.

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