You can read the original here:
All credit goes to the original author
Twinkie & Morhont
It was a typical boring day in the life of Golthak Morhont. Slaves had to be beaten, threatened, whipped, or executed, repeat, stupid inspections had to be carried out in case one had run away, yadda, yadda... So, so boring that he nearly melted in the sweat of boredom.
He sighed and reached into his pack to pull out…
“A teddy bear? You have a teddy bear?” Asked one of the few Gondorian slaves. The man was trying his best not to giggle. The poor orc-driver scowled at him and said proudly, “His name is Twinkie, you dirty scum!”
The Gondorian progressed into loud chortling. “Twinkie!”
Big mistake. “Are you insulting Twinkie?”
The Gondorian burst out laughing. “A big tough orc with a teddy bear called Twinkie! What a hoot! Twinkie! Hahahahaha!”
“Shut up.”
“Hahahaha—” The Gondorian flopped down dead in mid-laugh. Once through with avenging his teddy, Morhont patted Twinkie on the back and said, “No worries. The mean ol’ Gondorian is gone now.”
“Hey, you sluggards! The Dark Tower is sending everyone to the Gate! Move out!”
Morhont put Twinkie up with an injured sniff. Well, at least something was happening.
They didn’t go far when he saw two small orcs that looked sort of funny with beaked helmets. Okay, so they looked like a pair of circus orcs on booze. He gawked at them for a brief moment. Now THAT is one style I’ve never seen before… to be honest, I’m glad I haven’t! He quickly resumed his orc-driver role of yelling, whipping, and shoving and the little orc-clowns vanished into the ranks. He was relieved when they also vanished from his view. Somehow he felt ill at ease with them around. Maybe it was because they looked like the evil orc-clowns he’d always dreamed about as a little orc. Maybe they planned to kidnap Twinkie! Soon enough, though, he forgot about them even before the first inspection. Then things got really interesting.
“Company halt! Inspection!”
While some big orcs looked over the slaves, Morhont unpacked Twinkie and began a nice conversation with Twinkie, hugging the bear tightly. Suddenly there was a loud clunk followed by, “No one pushes me, you filthy maggot!”
So much for quality time with his bear… Morhont grumbled under his breath before running over to the quarreling orcs. The little deserters with the funny armor, wouldn’t you know? He whipped them in a hurry not to look like an idiot in front of the inspectors. They ate orc-drivers for breakfast. Or so the horror stories before bedtime went. “Break it up! Break it up!”
It should’ve worked, but no-o! They proceeded to fight, pushing and shoving like wild things. Well, actually, they didn’t get quite that bad. But still the rebellious will those two had!
Someone tapped him on the back, poking insensitively. “Hey!” That someone growled loud and clear right in back of him. And jerked something soft and furry from beneath Morhont’s free arm!
Twinkie! Morhont stood up abruptly and looked one of the inspecting orcs straight in his, um, eye and eyeball. The stupid lug had his Twinkie! Morhont nearly screamed, but the cretin went on, pointing his free hand at him, “I’ll have your guts if you don’t quiet down this rabble!”
Morhont shut up quickly. Even though he hadn’t started screaming yet.
Great, my bear is being held captive, I just got threatened because some stupid orcs are acting up, and I have just till they send us on to rescue Twinkie on top of it!
Or so he thought. The inspecting orc looked around. “Hmm?” The ridiculous looking little orc-clowns were gone. “Ah! Move along, scum!” He waved a dismissive hand at the orcs and Morhont.
Twinkie! My poor, poor wittle Twinkie-winky! NOOOO!
Of course, Morhont only shouted, “Back into line!”
As his group of orc-slaves moved out, Morhont promised himself and Twinkie that no stupid orc would ever keep them apart. He would rescue his Twinkie Bear some day!
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